Sunday, March 18


This week I find some flowers in the backyard, so I shoot some picture of the flowers in different time, lighting and composition.


Millie Bache said...

These are very good photos. I think the last three are your best ones but my favorite is probably the 3rd to last. It is in great focus and has great color. I think the closer up photos were more aesthetically pleasing because the brown backgrounds of those photos take away from the beauty and spring feeling of the image.

james mcgarry said...

These are some really great photos. I especially like the first one with the bee. all of them have good lighting (especially ones where light shines through the petals) and a good depth of field. you also have good composition on most of the photos. I feel, however, that there were a few photos which could have been if shot at a different angle, especially the second and third photos from the top.

ben rabinowitz said...

The flowers in the photos have good coloring and contrast. I like that the background was blurry so that the flower would be the main focus of the photo.

Ricky Xiang said...

i really like this series of photo, the color of all of these works are amazing, and also the focuses are just great, which really bring me a feeling of spring.