Sunday, March 18


This is a photo I took of a clock tower in Lowell. I like this photo because you can see good detail in the stone. The lighting is okay because it was taken during sunset. A slight glare of the sun is in the clock, which adds a lot to the photo and does not make it so boring. The only thing I would change would be croping out the sky to the left of the tower.


JackEgizi said...

This is a very cool photo. I love the angle at which you took this. it gives the photo good flow. One change I would make is to try and cover up the white spot on the left side of the clock. It takes away from the main subject a little.

ben rabinowitz said...

I like this photo because of the many textures that are in the stone. This photo also has good lighting to it. It almost appears as if the face of the clock is lit from behind.