Sunday, December 2

Bache_Elizabeth in Set Design

I took both of these images during photography class on Friday. Both were taken on the vibrant color setting, the first image was taken at an ISO speed of 800, the second at 640. I think the top image is a better image for a photography image, because of the variety in color and minimal distraction. However, I like the second image better as a portrait image because of its focus and the angle of Liz's face. Also how her face is outlined by the background lighting. However, the distractions take away from this portrait image, including the two lights at the top, Vals hand behind Liz, and the fact that you cant see Liz's paintbrush. If these distractions weren't included the second image may be a better photography image.


Unknown said...

I like both of these images because they show action happening but are still clear and focused. I like how the color red is a theme in both of the pictures. My favorite is the second picture because it is taking at a different angel, from the bottom, making the photo look more interesting than the first one which is just a regular shot. I think the lighting is good in both of them, even though there is a bright light visible, it is not too overpowering and no color is washed out of the images.

Unknown said...

I also like both of these photographs because of the unique angles they were taken in. The red paint definitely attracts my attention. I also like the look of the clear tarp that Elizabeth is sitting on, it sort of look like splattered paint. If I could change anything I would remove the paint can to a different spot or completely out of the picture because it is a little distracting