Sunday, December 2

Lanefski_Rock Climber

I took this photograph of my best friend when we went rock climbing last month. I took this with a Canon Rebel xs with no flash. I like how the light is hitting one side of her, but I do not like how the other side is too dark. I also do not like how the rope is in front of her hand. 


Millie Bache said...

I really like this photo. It seems like a simple portrait image but between the wide variety of color and numerous ropes and pegs in the walls this photo is very busy, and really grabs a viewers attention. I like the wide depth of field, even though the girl is the subject the inclusion of the two ropes in frount of her draws me in because they are the closest to the camera. I think if you focused a little closer in on her face it would make for a better image with the inclusion of more detail in her face, otherwise great job.

Flavia said...

I like this photo and how you feel you are actually rock climbing with the girl. The photo quality is very clear and perfect. The only thing is what you said, the rope is a little distracting. Other than that this is a very good photo.