Sunday, December 2

Cha_Franklin Olin

Nowadays, I'm trying to take good pictures at night since at night, you will know that the distracting objects are disappear by darkness, and  the picture can focus on the only object i want to take (especially the object with lights itself). Sometimes, compare to the picture took in the morning, the pictures took at night have more romantic aura. This is the picture I took in Franklin Olin & Babson College. As you can see, there is my friend stands in front of the object. You will notice, the distance between him and the building is quite far, and the distance between him and camera either. Because of the delicate lights (yellowish streetlights), the mood in this picture is warm even though it is cold outside. In addition, we can see my friends properly. Since this is the picture that taken without light, the shutter speed should be delayed and I need a place to put my camera so that the camera will not shake while the camera take this picture.


Millie Bache said...

I really like this photo, it is very unique. I like this use of lighting, it is in very crisp focus. The fact that the subject isn't directly in the center of the background is good, he is in a perfect placement. Not in the way of good detail and not out of the light to the point where he blends in with the dark color. The one thing i might change is crop out the blurry strip of brown color at the bottem of the image. Because we don't know what it is it causes a distraction.

Unknown said...

I like this photograph! I agree that the photo is in great focus. I also like the nice detail that the brick path creates. It's cool how the picture was taken with available light and the light coming from the building. What I would change is the blur in the bottom of the picture.

Megan Bubello said...

I really liked the creativity that you captured in this photograph. I also liked that you tried to take night photography. You captured it very well, considering how hard photos are to capture in the dark. Although it is a little blury, I enjoyed the photo overall.