Sunday, December 2


I took a photo of  my ipod nano. I really like how there is a white background and how the color of the ipod really stands out. I also really like how there is a shadow right below the ipod.


MorganMacDougall said...

I like this photo because of the angle of the the iPod. I know you said the background is white but it has kind of a pink-ish tint to it which I think complements the color of the iPod. I also like that the screen is blank, but turned on, because I think that if it weren't, then it would be distracting. And if it was turned off, it would look kind if flat. Overall, I think this is a fairly good photo.

Unknown said...

i think this is a really well taken photo because its taken at an angle that you normally wouldnt see an ipod at and i also like how the color of the ipod and the background go together

Unknown said...

I think this is a cool photo because the ipod is in focus and the colors of the object and the background are similar. However, I would try and make it more centered or symmetrical because i find it distracting that one side is more cut off then the other.

Megan Bubello said...

I really liked this photo becuase of the clarity of the ipod. The color in the backround is a little distracting, considering the ipod is also a shade of pink. I overall really liked your photo.