Sunday, December 2


I took this photo Sunday morning at around 8:30. It was sunny out but the porch was shaded, causing the shadows behind the swing.  I used natural light.  I like how there are so many different lines in this photo and how some are vertical and some are horizontal, giving it a more interesting look. I wish the swing wasn't in the dark as much as it is, but this photo without the flash came out better than the one when I used flash.


Amanda Garner said...

This photo uses natural light very well. It is able to light up the swing. It is an example of the color contrast looking from left to right. The left is the brightest light color is can be with the white of the snow. The red of the house is an even middle. The right side is the darkest dark. I like it.

Unknown said...

I don't know the right side of this picture was purposely taken darker than the other, but actually, I love this picture. I just like the way the picture is getting darker from left to right. Even though, at the first glance, I thought this picture is failed because of the darker side, I, now, think this picture is more unique because of it.