Monday, December 3

Dilbarian_ flowers

         i took this picture in my room with the available light sources.  i really like this picture because of the focus and the extremely short depth of field.  i also like how the colors contrast with the white background.  if i could retake this photo, i would make sure there was no dust in the photo.


Amanda Garner said...

I think this photo is very interesting. It uses light to add and interesting shadow to the flower on the right. It almost pops off the page. It is perfectly symmetric. It seems to be well thought out and lined up and very well lit.

Unknown said...

I like this photo a lot! I like the shadowing and detail. I really like the colors, they seem to be very fall-like. this picture is really nice!

Anonymous said...

I love how the photo is simple with only two flowers and a simply background.