Friday, December 7


I took this photograph during class time this week.  I took it on the back steps. I like this picture because of the angle and how the frames are in the picture but not distracting. Also it is not how one normally looks at this statue of Mary.  If I could change anything I would change the white spot that is comming from the door.


Millie Bache said...

I like the angle you took this photo at and the the fact that you included the walls. However, the cement bordering of the tiles in the wall point my attention straight toward the black frame that in fact is in better focus than mary. I think if you caught Mary in crisper focus it would eliminate these distractions.

MorganMacDougall said...

I like the angle the photo was taken at because it makes the reflection of the wall very interesting to look at. I also think that the blue colors in the statue coordinate well with the blue in the wall.