Sunday, April 28


I took this photos at heartbreak hill on Marathon Monday before the horrible explosions. Heartbreak hill is at mile 17 of the 26.2 mile race and is said to be the most difficult part of it. I took this photos with my IPhone. I like that my IPhone camera has the ability to take action shots like these. The photo on the top is one of my favorite photos taken that day. I really liked how I caught the flag in such a great position. That photo also displays great patriotism, which was perfect after such a heartbreaking day. The photo on the bottom is of the elite women. These women are very fast runners and I liked how well my phone camera caught them in motion. Also, the colors of their clothes really pops out in the photo, which I liked a lot.


alisonkcondon said...

I really love the top picture, because of how it is black and white, it just looks so professional. I also like how you can see the American Flag, great photo!! I love how you got the movements in both pictures. I also agree that the Iphone takes great photos! I like how all the elite runners are wearing different color clothes, it makes the pictures more interesting! great job!

Megan Bubello said...

Thanks for the comment Alison!!! Thanks for saying that it looks professional it means a lot!!! I also liked how you can see the American flag. The IPhone really takes really good action photos, unlike my Canon camera. I liked the different colored clothes too.