Sunday, April 28


I took this photograph with my Nikon D3200 in natural light on macro setting. I took this as part of my Nature project. I really like the detailing in the flower petals and in the center. I like how the focus is entirely on the flower, not the distracting grass beneath it. I also really like the faded brown color against the bright yellow, it really makes the color pop. I wish that I could have gotten more detailing on the center of the flower though.


Unknown said...

I love how the yellow flower really pops out from the dull greens and browns of its background. If you made the flower positioned somewhere other than the center of the photograph. The focusing of the flower is great with the blurred out background, but that purplish thing at the right.

Flavia said...

i really like this photo and how the flower and certain pieces of grass are really in focus. Then the background is blurred out. Also you chose a very bright yellow flower which makes the photo pop.

carolinemcgrath said...

I like how the grass and dirt are very dulled colors in the background and then the yellow color contrasts it. I also like the crisp clear focus of the photo, good job Rebecca.