Tuesday, April 30

Reichart_street in Italy

I took this in Italy walking down a side street one afternoon in Rome. I liked a lot of things about this picture, for example, I liked how the sun gave the building highlights so you could see details in the cement, I liked how it gave some shadows, I liked how blue the sky looked next to the orange/yellow buildings and I liked the angle it was taken at because its so simple, and yet there's a lot to look at.


Unknown said...

This is a nice picture because of the angle you took the picture and clarity of the picture. I also love how the building is going straight up to the sky.but the houses king of look close together but overall it is a good photo!!!!!!

Unknown said...

I love this photograph because it portrays the beauty of Italy. I like the depth of field and the crisp details! I also like the color of the house and the sky. To improve this picture I may have tried to crop out the house of the right.

Unknown said...

I love this photo because of the angle. I also love the colors of the buildings and the sky. I think the angle make this photo unique and interesting. rather than looking straight up at the wall, you took the picture at an angle to make the photo more interesting

Unknown said...

I love the architecture in this photograph! The colors are beautiful and the picture is very clear. The angle definitely makes this photo though!

Unknown said...

I liked how the building on the right was in the corner because it showed how close they were to each other, and if it wasnt there, then the sun would be there instead and I like how there isn't that much open sky. I like how there's just enough so that you can see the amazing colors and the contrast.