Monday, April 29

Cha_Upside Down

This is the photo I took before I came back to U.S. This photo was taken in a restaurant on Han River in Seoul. As you can see buildings across the river is reflected in water in a glass upside down. I think this photo is quite unique because of reflection in the glass. It would be better if it was focused better. Some people might say the picture is somewhat dark, but I think the little darkness in this picture emphasize the unique look of this photo.


Amanda Garner said...

I really like this photograph. This photo reminds me of a photo I saw in National Geographic's travel section. I love the shadows and the details. It is a one of a kind photograph. It is really creative.

Unknown said...

I love this picture so much! The clarity in the picture is amazing because you can clearly see the city-scape in the glass. I don't know if you edited the colors at all but I really like the dim/ dark lighting. I think it helps draw your focus to the glass and the reflection in it.

alisonkcondon said...
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alisonkcondon said...

This picture is awesome! I love the darkness because it makes it look more interesting and I love how you can see the reflection of the buildings and sky in the glass. Love it!

Unknown said...

I really like this picture. when i first looked at it i didnt realize the building and i probably wouldnt have noticed if you hadnt pionted it out. i think it is so cool to have captured the building in the background and their reflection in the foreground

Unknown said...

As you mentioned and I did, I really love the darkness on this photo, which gives this photo special mood. Furthermore, the reflection on the water is really unique part of this picture.