Sunday, April 28

Garner_What A Cutie!

The top photograph is the original. I took it when I went to RI to visit Ben and Theresa, two little kids that are family friends. They loved having their pictures taken. I edited the second photograph because I wanted to turn it into a black and white photograph. I changed the contrast as well as the shadows. I love the second photograph because it looks like a black and white negative. I love the high lights on his hair as well as his cheeks. He is adorable.  


MorganMacDougall said...

I really like the shadows in this photo. I also like how they stand out in the desaturated photo, but, for me, when I take photos of children I like to keep them a little more colorful. And the top photo is very vibrant. I like both photos, though.

Amanda Garner said...

The reason I like the second one is because the mischievousness on his face is more apparent in the black and white because the entire photo seems mysterious.