Sunday, April 28

Duchaney_Insect on Plant

I took this with my Canon Powershot SX110IS on macro setting of a green insect on a mini lilac bush outside my house. I love how the only part of the photo that is in clear, crisp focus is the part of the branch on which I wanted to focus with the . Both the buds in front of and behind are blurred. However I wish the background wasn't such a distinct line between the green and the brown ground. I find that this takes away from the focus on the clear buds.


Megan Bubello said...

Wow, I really love this photo!! I love how the purple part of the plant is in really good focus. This part of the flower really jumps out in the photo, which is great. The background in this photo is also not very distracting and really adds to the photo. Although, there is one yellow dot to the right that is a little distracting. Overall I really love this photo!

Unknown said...

I really like this photo because of the angle it was taken. I love how the top part of the plant is really in great focus. The purple part seems to be popping out of the photo which is a great touch and i think this is realy unique. i love the simple background of the photo, because it makes the flower stand out more

Unknown said...

I did not notice the yellow dot, but I'm glad that what you see as the most distracting part is the easiest to fix by cropping out.