Sunday, April 28


I took this pictures in my house on top of the chimney in my house. I like this picture because of how you can see the glowing of the candle light that is reflect on the wall. I think the picture knida looks better in oridnary color than in  the black and white. I love the way you can see the candles through the cups and the clarity of the light and i also love the background because it is plain and simple.


Megan Bubello said...

Nice photo Mimi!!! I think it was a good idea to convert the photo to black and white. I also liked some of the highlights that the light of the candle created on the wall. Although, this photo is really out of focus. If you had taken a clearer shot this would have enhanced the photo a lot. Overall I really liked your photo Mimi!!

Unknown said...

Thank you, Megan. I agree with you... the picture a out of has something to do with my camera and I did like the highlights on the wall. I converted the picture into black and white because i could see the highlights in both black and white.