Sunday, May 5

Dilbarian_ flower in the sand

I really like this photo.  I took it while i was in Florida on April vacation.  I love the colors in the photo from the sand, the flower, the ocean and the sky.  I also like how clear the photo is and how you can kinda see the sunlight through the flower.   I really like the shadow coming across the front but the little shell is distracting.  I really wanted to use this photo for our nature assignment but there are footprints in the sand in the background.


alisonkcondon said...

I love this photo! i love how you can see all the details in the sand and the flower. I also love just how it all looks put together, the water and the sunshine look so pretty. Good job Sara!

Unknown said...

I'd say the focus of this picture is the flower and you can see really clear details on the petals that have the sun shinning through them. I like how natural looking it is with the sunset in the background.

Unknown said...

I agree with the focus being mostly on the flower but i also think that it is on the sunset in the background because the light is shining through the photo