Sunday, May 5

Reichart_ Colosseum

This is a picture of the Colosseum in Rome.  I like this picture because you can get a sense of how tall it was, i didnt take the picture straight on, and you can see architectural details even after decades.  I really liked the arches, because they are such a big part of the structure and you can see them clearly. I just wish the gate was at the bottom.


Anonymous said...

I like how the bold blue color contrasts against the neutral color of the stone and the unusual angle of the photo.

Flavia said...

I really like this photo because of how detailed and in focus the Colosseum is. Also I like how you didnt take a photo of the whole Colosseum but just some of it. I think it gives the photo depth. The one tiny little thing is in the left corner theres just nlue which might be a little distracting. But I still love this photo.

Flavia said...

I really like this photo because of how detailed and in focus the Colosseum is. Also I like how you didnt take a photo of the whole Colosseum but just some of it. I think it gives the photo depth. The one tiny little thing is in the left corner theres just nlue which might be a little distracting. But I still love this photo.