Monday, May 6

Garner_Tie Died Hiker


I took this picture of my brother when we went on a hike. I was working on the nature assignment and just happened to see amazing shadows. I took the original (top one) and thought the colors were bland and lifeless. I went into windows editor and tweaked the color and contrast. I love the ways the second (edited) one came out. I think the colors are brighter and richer and the shadows are stronger and more present. I think it makes some one wonder what he is look at but also notice the strong contours in his neck.  


alisonkcondon said...

I agree with what you said in your description. The first photo seems like it is dull, and needs more of a pop in colors. I like how you edited the photo to make the colors stand out. I think this is a nice photo because it adds interest, how we can't see what he is looking at. Nice photo!

carolinemcgrath said...

I really like the colors in this photo. The pastel tye dye colors look nice in the natural sunlight. The restored version looks so much better. Good job Amanda!

Flavia said...

I really like this photo and the position your brother is in. Also I love how you edited and gave it a little boost of color. The shirt and his skin tone really pop out of the photo after you edited it. This photo gives a feel of that he's looking at something so you try to look at what he's looking at and I think thats pretty interesting.