Sunday, May 5


I took these photos with direct flourescent light. Other than some positioning differences, they're basically the same, but I used two different camera settings. The flower's on a pillow, and behind the flower is a hand mirror. I like the reflections in both, but I like the second photograph better because of the warmth the color brings to it.


Unknown said...

I really like this photo because of the different textures. I like how the flower is so smooth and since it's against the fuzzy background, it makes the pedals look even smoother. I like the black and white version a lot because I like how the different color grays really add depth and make the photo look calm, but still noticing a lot of texture

Unknown said...

Ya, I love the textures too, and i agree with you on how the black and white photograph has more depth than the other one because of the blacks, whites, and grays.