Sunday, February 10

Dilbarian_ Sun and snow

I took these 2 pictures outside in my driveway.  I took them in direct sunlight without flash and while the sun was setting.  I like the way they are both facing towards the sun. I also like the snow in the background.  I also like how in the second one, there are the small flares.  Lastly, I like how there light is reflected off of the cement.  


Amanda Garner said...

I like these photos. I do like the first photo the best. I love the angle it was taken at as well as the way the chunks of ice add texture to the photo. The light from the sun it beautiful. It gave it a dramatic focal point.

Unknown said...

I really like these photos because it looks like the sun is rising over the snow. it also leaves a nice reflection off the ice

Anonymous said...

I like the second photo best because it has depth of field. I like the fact that it has a distinct foreground, middle ground and background.