Sunday, February 10

Garner_Nemo Shadows

The top picture is the original. I took it yesterday with my Canon Rebel on the auto setting. I liked the ways the sun created shadows on the snow. I did not think they were dark enough so I edited the photo. I made it black and white and lowered the brightness setting and raised the contrast. I love how the shadows look kind of eerie. The freshly fallen snow was a good way to use the natural light and illuminate the picture.


Unknown said...

I really like this photograph! I think I like the original picture better, although the shadows do stand out more in the edited photograph. There are no distracting objects in this picture, and I agree that this picture has a mysterious/creepy feel.

Unknown said...

I agree with Claudia, I like the original picture better because the shadows are darker but so is the snow, it looks grayer. But when you desaturated it you can see more details.

MorganMacDougall said...

I like both versions of these photos but I definitely like the original better. It is a lot brighter than the bottom. The bottom photo's shadows are more defined but it's pretty dull. But I like the lines created by the shadows because it give the photo a good depth of field.

Flavia said...

I really like this photos and the shadows of the trees. i also like how perfect the snow is. For example, there are no footprints in it or dirt and stuff like that. I agree that it does give a mysterious feel.

Amanda Garner said...

Thanks for all the comments guy. I appreciate your opinions. I like the photo either way. I just wish I could have made the second on a little different then the first one.