Monday, February 11


I took this photo for the Styles project for Silhouettes. I don't really like this photo, though, because I find that a lot of things are distracting in it. I think that the angle could have been a lot more straight. Also, I think that I should have moved a bit closer to the window. But I do like the brightness from the window and how it creates the silhouette.


Amanda Garner said...

I like this photo a lot. I like the way it is completely a siloet(ignore the spelling). The one beg thing I love is that the blue of the sky adds a pop of color. I also like the angle it was taken at. It make the person look taller than they are.

Unknown said...

I like this photo because of the way you can see the way she is standing and looking out of the window but the only distraction their is the house and the leafs. But overall i like this photo. And i also love the way the sunlight is in the gives it a little glow to the picture.

Unknown said...

Beside the dirty window, I like this picture; however, if I were you, I would find another window which is cleaner and I would make exposure lower so that the "silhouette" can be highlighted.

MorganMacDougall said...

Thank you! But I really couldn't do anything about the trees and houses because I was going for a straight-on shot. But I chose this window because the sun was hitting it. Also, I like how the window is dirty because I think it looks a lot less boring than it would with a crystal clear pane.