Sunday, February 10


I took this photo of a flashlight with my Canon Powershot SX110IS on indoor macro setting. I wish there was less dust. I took other photos of the same subject at different angles, all of them much brighter, but I chose this one because the dust was least prominent. Also, because it was darker, it was more mysterious in contrast to the single bright bulb, and the reflections were more fluid-looking. I like how deceptive the photo is, because, in person, the flashlight is very bright, but in the picture, only one bulb appears to be lit. Nor can you tell right away that this is a flashlight.


Megan Bubello said...

I really like your photo! I like the carity of the flashlight and how you can see almost all the details. Although it is a little overexposed in one part, it creates some really nice heighlights on the flashlight. The dust is a little bit distracting. The green and blue highlights really make for a nice looking photo also. Nice work!

Millie Bache said...

I like this photo. I like how you thought outside the box to take an abstract image. The first thing that popped into my mind when I wa trying to figure out what it was was definitely not a flashlight. The fact that this image is not clear as to what it's a picture of in the first place, the viewers are drawed in more from the macro/micro photography aspect of this photo.

Unknown said...

Thank you! The overexposed part of the photo actually did not bother me that much. I thought it more contributed to the abstractness of the photo.