Monday, February 11

Reichart_Washington d.c.

 I took this picture from the Abraham Lincoln statue memorial. I went to Washington D.C. in November and I like how the sky looks so blue and how the clouds look almost painted in the background.  When I took this my camera was on the landscape setting and i was mostly concerned with getting the whole monument in without it being to blurry but the construction in the foreground shows how big it is even from far away.


Unknown said...

I really like the colors in this photograph. I like all the little details and how even the monument seems so small because it was taken so far away. I like how this photograph is set up also. It is a little busy in the bottom, but I think it adds to the overall image.

Unknown said...

Do you think the bottom is too distracting, or makes it look better? I also like the coors especially the sky and clouds.

Unknown said...

I like this picture how the colors are well-balanced. However, I see some failures here. First, it seems like there is light fog on this picture. Second, front of your main object, contruction, messes up the quality of picture. If I were you, I would take another picture to get rid of contruction processing down there, or just cut the bottom.