Sunday, March 3


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I took these photos of some pieces of paper with my Canon Powershot 110ISIS on indoor macro setting. The only source of light is from a flashlight I was shining through from behind. I like how the text front and back as well as the yellow highlighter shows through and overlaps. I like how, even though the top one is taken straight on, the angle makes it interesting. I like how the second one is taken at an angle and how there is a transition from light to dark, but I wish the darker end was clearer.


Amanda Garner said...

This photograph is really cool. I like the way the paper looks see-through or transparent. It was a an interesting way to capture paper. The angle is also interesting. Very creative!

Amanda Garner said...
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Unknown said...

Thank you! I've been experimenting a lot lately with using a light source behind the subject rather than in front. I was really happy with the unique result that came out of this one.