Sunday, March 3

MacDougall_Flower Buds

I took these photos a little over a week ago. This is a potted plant that was in my sink being watered. There is a window directly in front of the sink and I liked the lighting so I grabbed my camera. I had a hard time focusing on the flower itself, and in each photo, the petals have spots that are a bit overexposed. But I do like the clarity of the green leaves under each bud. I like how you can see the fuzziness of the leaves and how the light shines through them and shows the little veins. I also think that the lens flares in each photo make them a lot more interesting to look at because I think that it adds a little warmth to the photos because of the sunlight from the window.


Megan Bubello said...

I really like your photo! I like the clarity of the small hairs on the leaves and the reflection of the light on them. The lights reflection created very nice highlights on the flowers also. I liked that the focus is not directly on the flower bud. This made for a much different kind of photo. The background is a little bit distracting, but the pink in the flower buds really pops out in the photo and draws the eye. Overall I really like this photo!

Unknown said...

I agree with you on how the flares add to the photo, but the background was a bit distracting. I like the sort of blur and fuzziness to the flower with the glow around it from the sunlight. The clarity of the leaf and the veins in it is great. Overall, good photographs.

MorganMacDougall said...

Thanks! I agree about the distracting background. I tried taking a few different shots in several positions but these two where the photos with the least distractions.