Sunday, March 3


I took this picture awhile ago, I think it was from one of the color projects. I can't fully remember if I have already used this photo but the only way I am able to upload this at the moment is from my phone, but I did take this with my camera. I really love this photo because the yellow of the flowers pop out and are so vibrant against the green stems and brown mulch. I also like for one of the details of the photograph is that some flowers are more in focus than other flowers.


carolinemcgrath said...

You really captured the yellows of the flowers and the greens of stems well in this picture. They look very vibrant. I would have tried to cut out the brown portion of the photo if I were you.

Unknown said...

I love the yellows in this photo. I really like how the brilliant color of the yellow really stands out from the dull color of the green stems

Anonymous said...

I like the bright yellow color in this photo. I like the center flowers/leaves best becasue they are in focus. I might have cropped out the flowers that were not in as crisp focus. Overall pretty photo.

alisonkcondon said...

I agree with the comments that if I cropped the sides a little on the top and side that the photo might of been a little bit better.