Sunday, March 3

DIlbarian_ birch tree

       I took these photos right before sunset in the beginning of winter.  I really like these photo because of the colors contrasting in the birch tree.  I also like the depth of field and ow you can see the pieces of bark falling off of the tree.  I also like how there is almost a warm pink color at the top of the branches because the sun was just setting.  If I could change the photos, I would change the angles to make the photos a little more interesting.


MorganMacDougall said...

I really like both of these photos because they were taken at an angle in which you would not normally look at a tree. There is also no distracting background which is very good because I think that the blue sky looks very nice against the whites and blacks of the bark on the tree.

Unknown said...

I think you have your own unique way to take pictures of trees. I bet I have never seen this kind of pictures of trees. I like both pictures, but I want to say the second picture is better since the picture focusing is quite clear, and less intricate than the first one. Overall, I love these pictures.