Sunday, March 3


This is the picture I found from my old USB drive. I took this picture when I lived in China for a while. This is the picture of locks on the great wall. The unique thing about this picture is the angle that I took this picture from, an angle which is little bit tilted and gives the unique look. However, there is a little problem; if you gives close look of it, you will find out whole picture is blurred. Beside the fact, I like this picture.


Unknown said...

I like this photograph a lot. I like the look of the red ribbons around the locks. I also like the angle of this photograph it gives it a very cool look. My eyes first look at the locks then towards the top right, the kids in the background are not a distraction.

Megan Bubello said...

I love your photo! The bright red is very pleasing to the eyes. I really loved the depth of field and I liked how the focus gradually faded down the line. I also liked how you can see some of the engravings that are in a few of the locks. The people in the background and some of the gold pieces below the locks are a little bit distracting. Overall I really loved your photo!

Unknown said...

To be honest, I thought the people in the background is quite a distraction but according to Claudia's opinion, sometimes, to someone, even though it is same thing, it can mean in various ways. And Megan reminded "the gold pieces below the locks," which are actually fallen leaves. In my opinion, I believe the fallen leaves play a valuable role, which tells people the pictures are taken in the autumn.