Sunday, March 3

Reichart_toy car

This is a picture of a toy car that I took from the science fair. My camera was on the close up setting which is why the front of the car is in really good focus but starts to blur as you look to the back. I like how clear it is in the front, but the over head light is a bit distracting.


MorganMacDougall said...

What I really like about this photo is the pop of yellow against the black table and windows. I also like how crisp the details in the front of the car are and how it becomes gradually unfocused toward the back. It brings the attention to front of the car.

Unknown said...

I really like how the back of the car is blurry and out of focus, making the car almost look like it is moving. It brings attention to the front of the car

Flavia said...

I really like this photo because of the colors, the angle you took the photo, and the position its in. Yellow is a very bright color so this is why caught my attention. The angle and the postition were very unique the way you took them. It looks like an actual car because of the angle and position.

Unknown said...

Thanks guys, I didn't see it as looking like it was in motion but now that you point it out, I can see that and I like it better. Also, my intention was to focus on the front mostly so im glad that it was noticed.