Sunday, March 3


I took these two photographs against a wooden floor background and direct fluorescent light. In the first one, I like how the shows aren't directly in the center of the photo. I also didn't take the shot directly overhead. The second photograph is a closeup of the heels of the shoes. I arranged the shoes in a circular position so it would add to the photo.


Unknown said...

I think this was a very creative way of composing the subjects. If you were trying to sell the shoes, I would have chosen the first photo, zoomed out a little bit so the bottom shoe is not cut off, and chosen an even simpler background so that they stand out more. Overall, I think these photos are very interesting, I would have used more flattering lighting.

alisonkcondon said...

I like the top photo better than the bottom one because I like the angle you were at more than the second photo. It is cool how you took the time to get all these shoes and arrange them. Overall nice photo.

Unknown said...

I agree with you Jeanine on how I should of used a more flattering lighting. I could of used a brighter artificial light or natural light from the sun during the day. Thanks Alison,I experimented with different angles when I was shooting, and and i liked these two especially and they were in good focus.