Sunday, March 3


I took this photo in the bio lab during class time. I used a Sony bloggie camera on the portrait setting. I like the way the bright yellow color looks against the black table. I like the plain white background. I like they way the light coming in from the windows emphasizes the shiny plastic.


Unknown said...

I like the angle at which you took this photograph. I like how you didn't take the shot from the front of the car like usual car photographers would. I agree with you on how the background has great contrast with the car. The simplicity of the background emphasizes the car more. You also got some really good highlights on the car. To make this photo better, you could of not put the car right in the middle of the photo, but all in all, i like this photo.

Unknown said...

I also like the angle you took this picture at; it looks like it's floating or flying. Its interesting how you took the picture from the back because there are a lot of details that you wouldnt see if taken from the front or side view.

Anonymous said...

Karen, Thank you. I appreciate your feedback. However, I prefer the car straight on and centered.