Sunday, March 10


I took this photo sunday afternoon when I was at the cape. I was walking on the beach and it was pretty cloudy, but then the sun peeked out from behind a cloud and everything lit up. I took this with natural light. I like how the water is seperated by the horizontal lines of the jetti's. It makes the picture more interesting than if it was just of the plain water. 


alisonkcondon said...

I love this picture!! It's so pretty. I love how you can see far out in the picture but also the close up details of the rocks on the sand. I also love how all the colors go really nice together throught the entire photo.

Unknown said...

great picture. I love how placid and peaceful it looks. it also has a great foreground, middle, and background. I also really appreciate the colors of the photo.

Unknown said...

Thanks ryan! I think the jetti and the rocks help form the foreground, middle and background a lot in this picture that's why I had to keep taking it at different angels

carolinemcgrath said...

This is a very good picture. It follows the rule of thirds and is in crisp clear focus. I think the beige rocks complament the blue of the ocean reallly nicely. good job!