Sunday, March 10


I took this photograph with a Nikon D3200. I took this photograph in the Art room. I don't completely know what this structure is, but I really liked the shapes and twists and turns it made. I like how all the parts of this structure are not completely in focus. I also like how there is some shadowing.


MorganMacDougall said...

I really like the little reflections in the wire. I also like that I can't tell exactly what this is so it captures my attention. I also love the reflections in the glass below.

Flavia said...

I like this photo because I the shape the wire is in and it looks abstract. I also really like the shadows. The white background really compliments the wire. The only thing is a little part of the wire is blurry.

Unknown said...

I really like the use of shadows in this picture and how simple it is. The white back ground is non-distracting and draws more attention to the wire