Sunday, March 10

Flavia_Old to New

I did not like this photo that I took of my cat. However, I decided to post it because I wanted to show that you can make a photo better just by editing it on your computer. Some how this photo was dark even though I took it in perfect lighting. So I went on the program iPhoto and edited it. I edited by an automatic enhancer. Then lightening it a few times. After I used this tool that boosts the photo. If you haven't noticed on the white background there are a few marks and dirt spots. I used a touching up pen that just erased them out of the photo. 


Unknown said...

I agree with what a dramatic effect editing can have on a photo. I like how vibrant and warm the colors became. However, some more light on the cat while actually taking the photo would have helped make the focus a little clearer.

Megan Bubello said...

I love this photo Flavia! I really liked that you brightened the photo and you did not overexpose the photo at the same time. I also liked the reflections that are in the cat's eye and how the colors of the cat's fur really pop out. The pose of the photo is very natural and not what I usually see. I really liked your photo!!!

Flavia said...

Thanks! I agree with more light making the photo better. I also like the reflections in the eyes.