Monday, March 11

Cha_Europe trip

This is the picture I took when my family and I were on the way of Europe trip in airplane. I like how the picture is faded out from the center of it in darker and darker, a fact that gives the look of the picture more concentrated on the main object which is sightseeing through window in airplane. The biggest failure of this picture is that upper side of the window is little bit cropped out of the picture. Beside this fact, I like this picture which gives me a feeling that I'm going to travel Europe again.


Amanda Garner said...

I love is picture. It is a classic view that would be seen from a plane but in a creative way. I love the lighting. It draws your eyes into the window and you are focused on what is outside the window.

Unknown said...

I like how i can see the clouds from the picture and the side of plane...i don't know if that is a distract or is it part of the picture. But overall i like this photo.

Unknown said...

I really like this picture. It is such an ordinary veiw but the contrast in colors makes it so interesting. The dark colors surrounding the window make the blue sky and the white clouds stand out against the wings of the plane. I really like this photo.

Unknown said...

Again, I like the emphasize on the blue sky, cloud, and wing of the plane on picture contrasting the surrounding (outside of the window), which is dark. Perhaps, since the window is not on the center of picture, it gives more unique look of it.