Sunday, March 10

Palencia_rock climbing

I took this photograph earlier today.  It was taken with the available light that came from the back of the rock climbing wall.  I have been thinking about the on going assignment, so a lot of the pictures I have been taking are with ambient light.  I like this picture because usually rock climbing walls are not transparent.  If I could change something I would try to get the string that is in the middle of the wall out of the way.


MorganMacDougall said...

I really like how the wall is transparent and that it makes the rocks/steps silhouettes. I also like the angle this was taken at because it makes the photograph much more interesting to look at. At first I did not know what this was a photo of until I saw the title; I had to take a second glance and it captured my attention.

Unknown said...

Thank you Morgan! This photograph would of look much more interesting if I could of climbed to the top and taken a "birds-eye-view" photograph. I agree, think it is a interesting photograph and it takes a little time to know what exactly it is a photograph of.