Monday, March 11

MacDougall_Gummy Bears

I took these photos a couple weeks ago in my kitchen. It was at night so I only had light from the overhead lamp. I think that the shots would have looked much better with a brighter, natural light. But what I like about the top photo is how the light shines through one of the bears and casts a shadow with a red glow. I tried arranging the bears in different ways to get them to cast the most interesting shadows but with the light I had, the top photo produced the best colored shadow. I think that if the light had been brighter, the colors would have been much more vibrant.


Unknown said...

I like this photograph! I think the gummy bears are placed well. Although this was taken at night, the white background makes the photograph appear brighter. My favorite one would have to be the first one because of the shadow the red gummy bear makes. I also like that you can see the green gummy bear through the yellow one. I agree with your comment I think this photograph would look even better if there was more light!

Unknown said...

I like this photo because of it simplicity. The white background makes the colors of the gummy bears pop and the light source around them cast small but interesting shadows. I also like how there are only 3 gummy bears rather than more. i think it keeps the photo clear and focused. Lastly, i like these photos because just by changing the positions of the gummy bears, you have a totally different photo.

Unknown said...

I like how the gummy bears are set up, and it is clear effort was put into this picture even though it is so simple. I like how the backrgound is all white so the gummy bears are in more focus, rather than if the back ground was busy and cluttered. I like the use of shaddows too

MorganMacDougall said...

Thanks! I think I'll try a similar photo next time but I'll try to use a better light source.

carolinemcgrath said...

I like these photos because, normally gummy bears are just a typical object. However, when you set the candy against an all white background the colors pop and the food looks more interesting. I think the shadows make it a more interesting picture