Sunday, April 7


I took these photos for my Extraordinarily Ordinary project. This green skittle was taken on  a stool that I flipped upsidedown. I flipped it because there was more that I could do with the subject. I liked the second image better because of the colors, positioning and lighting. I also like this one better because I know I put more effort in it. It took some time to get the skittle to stay and capture the image in good light at a good angle. I like that both images have wide ranges of depth of field, and both have good lighting. I took them right in frount of a window.


Unknown said...

My favorite picture is the bottom one! I like that you choose a green skittle, because it really stands out from the chair. I also like the angle you took it at because the depth of field looks great. I find this picture cool to look at, I like that the skittle is in great focus as well as the wooden bars.

Unknown said...

I love these pictures! I think it's really creative how you turned the stool upside down and decided to have a green skittle as the center of focus. The background is a little distracting, but I love the highlights in the photo. Overall, great photograph.

Flavia said...

I really love these two photos because how how creative they are. I like the first one because of how it shows depth in the photo and the skittle and the area of where the skittle is, is really detailed. The radiator in the background is a bit distracting and also the little red specs on the chair but you probably couldn't do much about it. The thing I like about the second photo is that it has very good lighting. Also I like the position of the skittle on the chair.