Tuesday, April 9


I took these photos a couple of weeks ago in my living room. The light I used was the available light from the window and from an overhead light. But I do not like how the overhead light creates a lot of shadows. But I do like the colors in these photos. I like how in the top photo, the petal that was closer to the lens is out of focus while the one that was father away is more clear. Also in the bottom photo, I like how the petals that were farther from the lens are more in focus than the buds in the upper right hand corner of the photo.


carolinemcgrath said...

I really like how you took the photo so close to the flowers. It shows an angle i normally wouldn't think to look at. I think the first picture is in crisp focus, how ever the second photo is slightly blurry. Good job overall

Unknown said...

I like the colors in these photograhs. I like the top one because of the detailing in the petals. I actually like the shadowing, they make the photographs more interesting.