Sunday, April 7

Flavia_First Sign Of Spring

I took this photo at my house where there were these flowers starting to pop out of the ground. I took it when the sun was shining really bright directly at the plant. I like how it is really detailed in the front where the mulch and plant is and then blurry in the back. 


Millie Bache said...

I really like this photograph. You captured the subject at the perfect angle with great lighting and color. The image is in very crisp focus which creates more detail in the photo. The image doesn't however, agree with the rule of thirds, the subject drew my eyes to the center of the image. In the future I would steer clear of having the subject in the center of the photo.

Unknown said...

I think the use of light in this photo is excellent. Had the entire photo been exposed to the same amount of light, the subject would not have stood out as crisply as it did. However, thanks to the light, you not only have emphasis of brightness, but emphasis of focus, as the abundance of light contributed to the clear focus which almost outlines the top of the subject against the blurry background.

Unknown said...

Also, while the light is directly hitting (or being blocked from hitting) the background, the light is actually shining through the subject, making it stand out more and the photo itself all the more interesting.

Unknown said...

The reason I like this photograph is because of the available light. I really like how the color of the plant looks in contrast to the mulch. I also agree that the depth of field makes this a good photograph!

Flavia said...

Thank you! I agree that the lighting is perfect. Also next time I will try not to put the plant directly in the middle.