Sunday, April 7


I like the angle of this photo and how the spoons cast shadows on the wall. I also like how the spoons are arranged like flowers in the ground. This is a cropped photo because the original photo had a corner of a window in it. If I could change one thing about this photo I would make the spoons be in more clear focus.


Amanda Garner said...

I love this picture. I love how you thought out the fact that spoons could look like flowers. It is a refreshing picture that captured light perfectly. I love the shadows in it. I also like the way the spoons have a reflection in them as well as little specks of green from the plants in front of them.

Amanda Garner said...
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Unknown said...

I love the idea of this photo and how you arranged the spoons. The shadows, reflections, and highlights of the spoon add to this photograph in a good way. The green plants and the patch of ground at the corner give the photo dimension, but the only thing I would fix is to crop the photograph in a little more to take out the distracting line of holes on the wall on the left.

Unknown said...

I like this picture so much. The way you place the spoons are so ideal but unique; furthermore, I believe the focusing on this photo is quite accurate. And, I believe the shadows and the reflection on the spoons give unique look of this whole picture. It might seem harmonious but at some point it is actually not. This is very interesting picture.