Sunday, April 7


I took this photo of my grill for the third term project. It was a sunny day out. I used no flash and my camera's micro setting. I like how the bright the colors are and how in focus the ash is.


alisonkcondon said...

I like this picture because you can see a lot of details of the grill and the bottom of the grill is less in focus, which makes the photo really interesting to look at.

Unknown said...

I like how the top layer of the grill really stands out because of both the fact that it is a brighter color, it is in better focus, and it is in the foreground. However, I do believe that the focus could be better, especially on the center piece of the grill.

Unknown said...

At the first glance, I thought they were just old woods. But after I noticed they were burning grills. I like this picture because it gives me two looks: they seem like woods but they are actually grills. I like the color of tone in this photo and I believe exposure on this photo is just right. However, it would be better if the focus was more accurate and not blurred.

carolinemcgrath said...

Thanks Jeehoon! Thats what I liked about the picture too. I love when you can't tell exactly what photos are at first glance. It makes them much more interesting. Also agree, the focus could be much better.