Sunday, April 7

Dilbarian_ fisherman

I took this picture when I was in New Hampshire.  I thought it would be cool to capture the fisherman and their boats.  I think the poles in the back are distracting but they are part of the landscape.  I also wish i could have gotten closer the the boats but they were far out into the water and i could only zoom in so far.  Over all i like the picture.


Megan Bubello said...

Nice photo sarah! This photo is very unique! I think that there is nice light in this photo. Although, the water is a little bit overexposed which can be a little distracting. Also, the wires and many other things in the background make for a distracting photo. I really like this photo overall!

Unknown said...

I like this photo. I think the background is a little distracting but I like how the photo is very well lit. I think some parts of the photo are a little over exposed and some parts are a little dark but the over all quality of this photo is good!