Sunday, April 7


I took this picture outside of my house on sunday morning. it was sunny out and the shaddows off the flowers were reflecting onto the house which made the flowers stand out more. I like the contrast and lighting in this photo. i took this with no flash 


Anonymous said...

I think this photo is really pretty and I like the warm colors in it. Also, It is interesting how the staight lines contrast with the smooth shape of the flowers.

Unknown said...

I really like this photo. I love how the flowers are in good focus. I also like how the are coming towards you in the photo making the photo have an interesting angle as well. I also really like how the shadows are cast on the house. I think that if there was only one shadow, it would be a little distracting but because there were multiple at the same angle, i think it added to the photo. lastly i like how you captured the smooth shape of the flower through highlights on the petals