Sunday, April 7


I took this with my Canon Powershot SX110IS on macro indoor setting. The map was folded once, and I held it up to my window, so some of the graphics on the other side showed through slightly more faded in reverse. I like how this creates layers. I also like how "FRANKLIN," the brightest part of the photo, is clearly the main focal point, as everything gets blurrier as it fades out from it. I do wish tht the "FRANKLIN" was clearer, like the 458, but this could also be due to the fact that the actual type on the map was printed clearer using the black ink than the red, not due to the focus of my camera.


MorganMacDougall said...

I like how you can see through to the other side of the map. I also like how you held it up to the light to show the layers of the paper to make it more interesting.

Unknown said...

I love the layering of the maps. I also love how certain parts of the map are in focus while others are not.

Unknown said...

I like how it's not blatantly apparent that there are images from the other side shown through on the other side because it is all the same map and thus makes the same type of design. However, it adds much more interest than if it had simply been a photo of the map as is.