Sunday, April 7


I took this picture at night when it was dark outside and only used one set of lights, but they were not directly above the object. I used the close-up setting and and wanted there to be sharpness around the jar, but to also show how it looked through it.


Unknown said...

I like the way the windows look through the jar. I also like how sharp and focused the jar is. To improve this picture I would have been a little more careful with the background. I also would have taken it at another angle so that the light bulb would not be distracting.

Unknown said...

I really like this photo of the jar. I like how it was taken at a unique angel, which makes it very unique. I think the windows in the background are a little disctracting though, I would suggest taking the same picture with the same idea but against a more solid background next time. Very creative overall though!