Sunday, April 7


I took this photo at Fatima Shrine using my phone and only the light available. I really liked how the light was coming through the stained glass and reflecting onto the walls. I also liked the different variety of colors that really catches the eye of the viewer. I liked how the angle draws your eyes upwards. I thought it made the photo very unique.


Amanda Garner said...

This photograph is really interesting because of the use of natural light. I love the way the light is flowing through the glass and casting a shadow of pinks and light reds on the wall beside it.I do think that the part of the ceiling that is showing at the top center of the picture is distracting. I would have lower the camera slightly or zoomed in a bit but other then that is look like a pretty interesting picture.

Unknown said...

I like this photo because of the sun that is streaming through the window and the reflection on the wall. I like how the sun shows the different variety of colors on the stained glass. I also liked the angle you took the photo. Nice job Megan.

Flavia said...

i love this photo!!! I like how the sun is beaming through the stained glass. I also like the position you put your camera in because it makes the stained glass look very tall. On the bottom it is a little bit overexposed but I still think it is ok that it is like that.

Megan Bubello said...

Thanks for the comment Flavia! I definitely agree that the bottom of the photo is a bit overexposed. I also liked how the light beamed through the glass, although a few parts were still overexposed. I thought that the angle of the photo made it look very tall. Thanks again for the comment!