Sunday, February 3


I took this photo Sunday afternoon.  It had snowed the night before but only part of the walkway had snow on it.  You can see how the snow starts out in little sprinkles and by the end of the walkway, it is almost all white.  I thought this showed good contrast.  I took this with no flash and natural light.


Unknown said...

I really like the narrow depth of field more towards the back. It leads your eye straight there. I also like how there's snow in the middle, but in the front and back, there's the ground and some plants. I agree with you about the contrast.

Unknown said...

I really like how there is a clear foreground, middle, and background to the picture. in the front there is the walkway and then in the middle there was the walkway covered in snow and in the back there is the trees

Unknown said...

Thank you Karen. That was my goal, to get the focus of the picture to the back where all the snow was!